One-Room Schoolhouses


Mike Day, a 35-year employee of the Telegraph Herald, is our senior artist and page designer by job title. But he also is our resident historian, and he works on a few big projects each year delving into unique facets of tri-state-area history. This project evolved from one of those efforts.

Mike started out planning to write a story, take some photos and gather some memories about one-room schools around the tri-states. Mike had no idea just how big a project he was taking on. The task set Mike on a path of discovery of the myriad schoolhouses in the tri-state area and the many local residents who hold close their memories of the education they got in those rooms.

A few fun facts and highlights that the magazine includes:

  • Schools were generally located every few miles so that no student had to walk more than about 2 miles to school.
  • By the early 1900s, there were at least 1,000 one-room schools within 50 miles of Dubuque.
  • Memories from 65 former students, representing 59 schools.
  • Recollections from seven one-room school teachers.
  • Profiles and/or photos of 17 restored schools, six repurposed schools and 19 abandoned schools.
  • All told, 112 area schools (at least one from each of the 10 counties in the TH coverage area) are mentioned in the magazine.

** NOTE: want more than 5 copies, call us at 563-588-5620